Friday, September 3, 2010

Can't SleepAGENIS!

Well a thunderstorm rolled through around 12a today causing Hayleigh's lil sis to wake up. That naturally began the reverse dominoe effect of wake up. Hayleigh, then daddy followed by mommy! Daddy risked life and limb to lay in bed with Hayleigh who might I add was unsuccessful at getting her back to sleep. (ugh)
As you can see by the time of this posting ( ODark :30) that I and mommy. ( who is handling this much, much better than grumpy ole daddy) I think being up with a toothache would almost hurt less than this does! ( hey I really like to sleep!)
Mommy is an amazing person. She has Elah in her lap with a bottle and Hayleigh watching cartoons like it is noon day! Meanwhile I am lying in my bed writing (cuz it is therapeutic for me and cuz this horrible human being needs lots of prayer) this post. Selfish? Yes! But, I needed to pause, take a proverbial deep breath and collect myself before I open the bedroom door to face the early start to an already goofed up day! Oh did I mention I am waiting for the benadryl to kick in? (no not for me! Although i was tempted)
BTW Hayleigh's overall health and wellness as been awesome. She is really growing up fast. Making more sounds!!! She has been sleeping great as of late. Which is probably why she is up today. I just shared with someone yesterday just how great she was sleeping. Oh well. This is to be expected and as mommy said she is not going to change so I guess I have to change. We know how much one likes that!

Until next time...